Updates to our Privacy Policy
DAKboard is updating its Privacy Policy as of May 25, 2018 to be in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Privacy is extremely important to us, which is why we’re ensuring that our policies continue to meet the high standard of the European data protection laws, and why we’re extending the same rights to all our users. Inside and outside the EU. Here are some of the changes you’ll see:
- We’ve updated the Policy to reflect changes in data privacy laws, specifically the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union.
- We’ve added details about your ability to manage the information you share with us.
This updated Policy gives you more control over your information and more clearly explains how we use it. Our core commitments regarding your privacy haven’t changed, including the commitment we made to never sell your data.
You can view our updated Privacy Policy here.
Lastly, we need to confirm that you would like to continue to receive notifications from us. You can view and change your notification settings in your DAKboard account:
By continuing to use DAKboard on or after this new policy takes effect, you acknowledge DAKboard’s updated Privacy Policy.
Thanks for using DAKboard!
– The DAKboard Team